“Flowers are the perfect way to create contrast in an analogous space. There is no need for a large bouquet; a handful of blooms is more than enough to change the mood without interrupting the whole space. With a single-flower vase like LUNA, take your time to admire the unique shape and color of each flower, and enjoy the process of finding the best way to feature them.”

Clematis Seedheads
"Clematisseed is a fluff of fluke chestnut known as the clematis root which blooms refreshing white florets in the summer.The crow is not cut too much and it looks downward with the weight of fluff and the length and movement of the crane stretches as it is I recommend you to live. "

Tulip Anthurium & Rhaphiolepis Umbellata
“Here I combined the warm tropical glow of Tulip Anthuriums with Rhaphiolepis Umbellata. Also known as Yeddo Hawthorne, Rhaphiolepis is a plum-like flower that blooms in summer amidst glossy leaves that surround it in the shape of a wheel. Insert the Anthuriums so they face different directions and focus on the silhouettes to find the best angle for each flower.”

Coralberry and Lapeirousia
Sarracenia Leucophylla
“A chic wall comes to life with layers of purple – sweet Lapeirousia blossoms and graceful arches of Symphoricarpos (Murasaki-komachi). Each stalk has a natural flow. Enjoy the chemistry of the stems.”
“Sarracenia is a carnivourous plant native to the swamps of North America. Clip the stems at different lengths for a dynamic arrangement. Here I chose a dark leucophyllia to contrast with the space.”

Justicia Brandegeeana
“The ‘shrimp plant’ is also known as Beloperone, which is Greek for the clasp of an arrow; a name inspired by the way the petals overlap with each other. Remove the leaves below the lip of the vase and clip the stems so the flowers lean casually.”

After working in PR for interior shop and fashion, opened a flower shop in 2010. Currently owns a shop in Harajuku, Tokyo, arranging and styling for personal gifts as well as for exhibitions, parties, and commercial venues.