Miso Hot Pot with Grated Yam Dumplings

Pork belly meat (for shabu-shabu) 300 g / Yamato 300 g / 1 teaspoon flour / long mushrooms 1 / shimeji 180 g / yarn konnyaku 200 g / water 1 liter / 2 kelp (about 15 cm in length) / toppings 30 g (3 cup)
a Tablespoon of soy sauce 1/2 tablespoons of mirin / 4 tablespoons miso
1. Parboil konjak noodles and cut into bite-size lengths the same as leek. Grate yam and mix with starch.
2. Put water and kombu in nabe and heat. Take out kombu right before boil and add bonito flakes. Put on medium heat for 1-2 minutes while skimming off scum. Take out bonito flakes when they sink to bottom.
3. Drop yam made into bite-size dumplings, add [a] and heat with the lid on.
4. Ready when vegetables are cooked.
Kale Hot Pot

Kale 200 g / Water 300 ml / Green Onion / Ginger 20 g / Mintake 200 g / Frying 1 Sheet / Dry Wakame 7 g / Pork Roses (for Shabu-shabu) 200 g / Sake Tbsp 1 Tbsp Thin-Soak Soy Sauce 1 Tbsp
1. Separate leaf and stem of kale. Cut stem of kale and leek diagonally and ginger into thin slices.
2. Soak seaweed in water until tender and cut into bite-size pieces. Blanch aburaage and cut into strips.
3. Put water and ingredients except kale leaves into nabe. Place on medium heat and bring to boil.
4. Add [a] and kale leaves, then cover with lid. Ready when ingredients are tender.
Hot Pot with Pork and Spinach

1L water / 2 strips kombu seaweed (about 15cm long) / 1 bunch spinach (about 175g) / 400g thinly-sliced pork / 5g ginger / 1 lemon / 140ml soy sauce
1. Cut spinach into bite-size lengths, cut ginger into thin slices and lemon into wedges.
2. Put water and kombu seaweed in donabe and heat. Remove kombu seaweed just before the water boils, and add ginger.
3. Add spinach and pork. Ready when pork is cooked. Squeeze lemon in soy sauce and dip when eating.
Soy Milk Hot Pot with Plenty of Mushrooms

Water 500 ml / two kelp (about 15 cm in length) / Oshusa 30 g (3 cup) Chicken peach meat 200 g / baked tofu 1 tingle / spinach 6 stock / hallmark mushroom suitable amount / shikisaki mushroom proper amount / shimeji suitable amount / mushropped proper amount
a Soy milk 500 ml / 1 teaspoon salt / 1 tablespoon mirin / 1 tablespoon of liquor / 1 tablespoon miso
1. Put water and kombu in nabe and heat. Take out kombu right before boil and add bonito flakes. Put on medium heat for 1-2 minutes while skimming off scum. Take out bonito flakes when they sink to bottom.
2. Add [a] and bring to boil. Add other ingredients. Ready when cooked.
Sake Broth Hot Pot

1 cabbage of Chinese cabbage / 1 green carrot / carrot / 1 konnyak / 1 garlic / 4 green peppers / 6 shrimp / 6 mushrooms / chicken meat 200 g / sand liquor 200 g (after under treatment) / 150 g pork / Alcohol qs / salt, pepper qs
1. Cut carrot into slices and konjak into 2cm squares and parboil. Cut chicken into thin slices and other ingredients into bite-size pieces.
2. Place nabe on low heat and lay the thinly-sliced pork. When color of pork starts to change, add sliced garlic. When scent becomes noticeable, add sake until it covers the pork.
3. Add salt and pepper to taste. Eat with beaten egg as you like.
* Estimated time may differ depending on the cooking utensil you use, so please adjust according to your preference.