UNITEA Stories: 4850

"Taste, aroma, and flavor"

"Whether it is tea, coffee or wine, it all comes down to taste, aromas and flavors for us. We always try to find a suitable beverage and style for everyone. Tea is an incredible pairing companion with food, and compared to wine there are few combinations that will go completely wrong. The best is really to just taste and experiment."

/ Pairing suggestion
We have been using sencha's and kukicha's in a vegetarian ceviche. They give a bit of a fishy, seaweedy flavor that is very tasty.​ ​
Espresso machine and indoor seating area
Tea brewing with UNITEA one touch teapot
UNITEA one touch teapot on a tray with cup
UNITEA tea pots brewing tea with plates and cups on a table
Display shelf with wine, plants, and picture frames
Photos by Judith Dekker


Display shelves for wine


@sunda4850 nl ncelounge

4850 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, stands for quality, good coffee, nice wines and tasty dishes. The interior is fresh but cosy. It is a place to hang out, work, meet friends, and have dinner.​